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Laptop Writing


HISTOYOUTH encourages you to submit your best history writing! Submit your writing today for a chance to be published on our blog!

Publication Categories

Ancient Architecture

Common Post

Writing to do with anything and all history, whether it be historical significance behind current events, hidden stories from history or just an opinion piece. These works must be under 1500 words. 

Currently, HISTOYOUTH divides submissions into two categories

Saint Peter's Basilica

Extended Works

This includes any writing that dives deep into a subject. Submit academic papers or extended essays where you dive deep into history. These works should be more than 1500 words.  

Guidelines and Expectations

By submitting to HISTOYOUTH, you're agreeing to the guidelines below

Word Count

All pieces submitted to HISTOYOUTH must be at least 350 words in length. Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the HISTOYOUTH team. Please note all pieces over 2000 words will be considered under the Extended Work category. If your writing is not within the word range, the HISTOYOUTH team may ask you to revise and resubmit.

By submitting your work you're agreeing that HISTOYOUTH reserves the right to edit, modify or revise your work. The submitter will be made aware of major modifications or if the HISTOYOUTH team requests the writer to revise their writing and re-submit. Submitters may withdraw their publication request if the writing is not published yet.

Revision Rights


All authors must identify themselves in some form. This can be with a full name, first name, surname or initials. We also require all submitters to be of 12 years of age at the time of submission. Submissions from those aged 18 or older will not be accepted as the voices of young writers is prioritised. 

Other Guidelines

By submitting your work to HISTOYOUTH, we reserve the right to modify, revise and reject submitted writing samples. Feedback can be given to rejected submitters upon request. Please submit writing that has not been published elsewhere (except in school). Note that all submissions are checked for plagiarism. All sources must be cited in MLA format (exception is images).


The HISTOYOUTH Team refers to this checklist when reviewing submissions.


A good historical essay will include the following components:


1. Engaging Hook - Start in the middle of a story, abstract idea, or an odd statement to catch the reader's attention. In your introduction, slowly transition to the main story or idea of your piece, while providing context. 


2. Style and Tone - Maintain a consistent tone. Whether it's an academic, credible tone, objective tone, or intimate colloquial tone, make sure you stay consistent. Make sure if you decide to change tone, it's purposeful.


3. Content - HISTOYOUTH’s only guideline is that your piece is somehow related to history. This includes reports of hidden stories, history, historical debates, well-researched historical opinion pieces or history’s relation to the modern world. Essentially, it should be about anything and all history! 


4. Spelling and Grammar - Please make sure there are no clear spelling and grammatical errors at the time of submission. If there are significant grammatical errors that interfere with your ideas, HISTOYOUTH cannot publish your article.


5. Conclusion - Great conclusions make cohesive pieces of writing. Your conclusion should tie back all your ideas, or provide a natural ending point. Consider a call to action, idea to chew on, its significance in the modern world, etc—whatever ending feels natural for your piece.


A final note—don’t let these guidelines constrict you in your creative process.

Writing is about expressing ideas as you see fit. These are merely components that make a good essay. 


Linked below are our guidelines when it comes to submission and our operations. Reading them through will help you make an informed decision about submitting a piece. 

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Thanks for Submitting!

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